
Material behavior and Simulation of sheet metal forming processes

Co-ordinator Dan Sorin COMSA)

Dan Sorin COMSA portrait

Dan Sorin COMSA

PhD, Reader
He is the developer of Pamphlet, a 3D finite element software for the simulation of sheet-metal forming. Both elasto-plastic and rigid-plastic modelling are allowed. Shell and membrane elements can be used for the simulation. The description of the dies is imported from Autocad or other comercial CAD software. An automatic mesh generator is incorporated, generating triangles with the Delaunay algorithm.
Curriculum Vitae
Dan FRUNZA portrait


PhD, Reader
Dan Frunza has a very sound experise in the field of metal forming equipment and technology, materials testing and numerical simulation of the forming processes using finite element codes (Forge, Marc, Abaqus).
Curriculum Vitae
Liana PARAIANU portrait


She is involved in a research programme related to the implementation of different material laws in the FLD models and their solution using the finite element method.
Curriculum Vitae
Mariana POP portrait

Mariana POP

PhD, Reader
Mechanics of plastic deformation and fracture of metals.
Curriculum Vitae
Adriana NEAG portrait

Adriana NEAG

Improvement of numerical simulation programs performance concerning the thixoforging processing using advanced material models.
Curriculum Vitae
Ioana BICHIS portrait


PhD Student
Implementation of the different constitutive laws (yield criteria and strain hardening laws) in the theoretical models for the Forming Limit Curves prediction.
Curriculum Vitae
Ioan CIOBANU portrait


Curriculum Vitae

Design of sheet and tube metal forming technologies

(Co-ordinator Gheorghe ACHIMAS)

Gheorghe ACHIMAS portrait

Gheorghe ACHIMAS

He is teaching general as well as specialized courses on cold metal forming technologies. His main research interests belong to the field of cold forming of sheet metals, tubes and bulk workpieces (deep-drawing, hydroforming, bending, extrusion, etc.).
Curriculum Vitae
Liana HANCU portrait


PhD, Reader
Joined Technical University from Cluj-Napoca as a research engineer in 1985 after a period of two years work in industry. After 4 years became assistant professor, than lecturer, than reader and since 2009 Professor at Manufacturing Department. Her activity in the university is based on teaching and research in the field of metal sheet deformation and plastic and composite materials.
Curriculum Vitae
Florica GROZE portrait

Florica GROZE

Her research interests are mainly focused on the possibility of using the artificial neural networks and the fuzzy logic in the field of sheet metal forming processes.
Curriculum Vitae
Ioan NICODIM portrait


Curriculum Vitae

Experimental techniques

Danut JULEAN portrait


Curriculum Vitae
Claudiu RATIU portrait

Claudiu RATIU

Curriculum Vitae
Dan FRUNZA portrait


PhD, Reader
Has a very sound experise in the field of metal forming equipment and technology, materials testing and numerical simulation of the forming processes using finite element codes (Forge, Marc, Abaqus).
Curriculum Vitae
Mircea DUDESCU portrait


Curriculum Vitae
George DRAGOS portrait


PhD Student
Works in a field of modelling the forming limit bands. Also, he has an expertise working with the experimental devices like Zwick/Roell 150 tensile test machine and Aramis system.
Curriculum Vitae
Alina CAPUSTIAC portrait


Curriculum Vitae

Virtual fabrication

(Co-ordinator Calin VADUVA)

Calin VADUVA portrait


Has 15 years industry and academic experience in development of complex IT systems. One important part of his work is related to the development of knowledge management systems with focus in PDM/PLM systems. He combines academic experience (PhD in IT security) with technical expertise (IT global projects, industry and research) and with management knowhow (EMBA from WU Vienna University of Economics and Business).
Curriculum Vitae
Marius VANCA portrait

Marius VANCA

PhD Student
With 10 years experience in the IT industry he is trying to use his know-how in the European research project "Holistic, extensible, scalable and standard Virtual Factory Framework". His main focused research topics are related to developing and integrating the knowledge repositories that are used in nowadays virtual factories.
Curriculum Vitae
Reka HINTS portrait


PhD Student
Using her experience in the IT industry in the domain of virtual modeling and 3D visualizations of vehicles and their components, she is now part of the European research project "Holistic, extensible, scalable and standard Virtual Factory Framework". Her main research interests are in the area of developing, integrating and validating the functional modules specific to virtual fabrication.
Curriculum Vitae
Vencel BIRO portrait

Vencel BIRO

PhD Student
Experience with Web platforms (gathering and processing solar plant data through the internet), machinery databases and vehicle sales systems.
Curriculum Vitae